Water Shut-Off
When water production interferes with ultimate recovery, our water conformance solutions answer your challenges by optimizing water-to-oil ratios—at any stage of your well’s lifecycle.
Water-shutoff solutions that are solids-free treatment fluids pumped into permeable formations to form permanent plugs, which seal reservoir porosity and permeability. Ideal for shutting off unwanted water production. The fluids are non-selective, so placement is a key consideration with these treat... Show More
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Polymer-based system penetrates into porous zones, blocking permeability by filling pore spaces and setting. The treatment blocks the flow of fluids and gas into or out of the treated zones. Requires no special equipment with little to no clean up. Available in kits with log shelf life. Setting mech... Show More
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Price on request
AquaCUT™ Plus relative permeability modifier (RPM) from Baker Hughes, is a subsurface water conformance product that decreases the water cut in mature sandstone and carbonate wells reducing associated processing and disposal costs while also extending the productive life of the well.
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Price on request
Price on request