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SeaHawk - Lite Efficiency Cementing Unit

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The Seahawk™ is a dual skid mounted cement mixing and pumping unit providing providing reliable, automated mixing and pumping operations and reduces health, safety, and environmental risks.

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Bring assured reliability and efficiency to your offshore cementing operations with the Baker Hughes SeahawkTM cementing unit. By automating your mixing and pumping operations, the Seahawk unit dramatically lowers your NPT and health, safety, and environmental (HSE) risks.

The Seahawk™ cementing system was designed with HSE as a guiding principle, with features that include:

•No personnel exposure to high-pressure components and manifolds during operation
•Fewer exposed rotating parts
•Near dust-free mixing environment
•Minimal exposure to noise and vibration due to control panel location
•Sectional design of separate components for increased safety and ease of installation offshore

Features and Benefits
• Minimizes nonproductive time by precisely controlling slurry density with reliable twin-pump design independently driven by two electronic transmissions and two diesel engines
• Gross weight is 8% lower and areal footprint is 20% smaller than a conventional Seahawk cementing unit. Also, fewer connections are required, all of which result in more efficient and safer installation.
• Fundamental, ruggedized proprietary instrumentation package
• Minimizes air bulk delivery system via direct-feed or a surge tank
• Equipped with two high-pressure pumps and two 10-bbl (1.6 m3) stainless steel displacement tank compartments
• De-aerating mixer contains 7-bbl (1.1 m3) mixing tank and a hydraulically driven recirculating pump• Options include: subzero temperature features, automatic liquid additive system for uniform chemical mixing, remote radiator cooling package designed for continuous operation at 115°F (46°C) ambient temperature, seawater cooling package
• Offshore cement pumping operations & well control
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